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Kiren Rijuju rejects claim of Chinese encroachment in Arunachal Pradesh

Union Minister Kiren Rijiju said on Monday, September 9, the mere painting of marks in un-demarcated places does not mean the areas have been encroached upon, as reports of invasion by China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in Arunachal Pradesh emerge, according to newswire PTI.
Overlapping patrolling by Indian and Chinese forces does take place in the undemarcated areas along the Sino-Indian border, but that does not lead to encroachment of Indian territory, Kiren Rijuju said. Rijuju hails from Arunachal Pradesh.
“China can’t take our land. Overlapping of patrolling does take place in the un-demarcated areas. They are not allowed to construct anything permanent. There is strict vigil from our side. Mere painting of marks in un-demarcated locations doesn’t mean the areas have been encroached on,” the PTI report said quoting Rijuju.
Many reports recently claimed that the PLA had allegedly entered Anjaw district in Arunachal Pradesh last week. They had been camping in the Kapapu area of the district for some time, the report said. It added that several pictures of bonfires, paintings of rocks, and Chinese food items were shared on social media.
The Union Minister added that India is building infrastructure along the border. “But we will not allow anyone to come near the Line of Actual Control,” he said.
India shares a 3,400 km-long Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh. China claims that Arunachal Pradesh has “always been” its territory, whereas India refers to this claim as “absurd” and “ludicrous”.
China refers to Arunachal Pradesh as South Tibet and objects to Indian leaders’ visits to the state. China has also named the area Zangnan. India has dismissed China’s invented names in the area. Additionally, India has always rejected the Chinese claims over Arunachal Pradesh and maintained that the state is an integral part of India.
